dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication, intercultural translation, philosophy of dialogue, dialogue, philosophy of culture, Poland, scientific discourseAbstract
The proposed publication focuses on the analysis of the reception of the problem of dialogue of cultures in the works of Polish scholars of the beginning of the 21st century. It is stated that the Polish scientific discourse is dominated by an interdisciplinary approach to the study of intercultural dialogue. Scholars pay special attention to the terminological aspect, which is manifested in the plurality of approaches to defining the concept of “dialogue”. The analysis of the most illustrative works of Polish researchers of the 2000s allowed the author to identify characteristic trends in the development of the issues of cultural aspects of the philosophy of dialogue, which are manifested in: the popularity of the concepts of M. Bakhtin and E. Levinas, which are wrongly perceived as universal models for studying any phenomena of contemporary culture; abuse of political and sociological interpretations of the concept of intercultural dialogue; influence of the theological trend in the Polish philosophy of dialogue, represented by J. Tischner and his followers. The article focuses on the activities of representatives of the Laboratory of Intercultural Translation in Warsaw, which since the beginning of the 21st century has been promoting the ideas of intercultural communication and was perceived not only as a creative association of cultural anthropologists and translation scholars, but also as a free space for intercultural communication. The author also notes the dependence of Polish cultural studies on the works of American theorists of intercultural dialogue, which creates the problem of the widespread misperception of the dialogue of cultures as exclusively interreligious or interethnic communication, which is a variation of the political and sociological perception of this fundamental concept of cultural studies. The conclusions state the unsuccessfulness of attempts by Polish researchers to analyse the problem of dialogue of cultures using limited methodological tools within one scientific discipline and the insufficient level of study of the topic of intercultural dialogue from the point of view of cultural theory and philosophy.
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