


culture, value, value system, morality, prohibition, ancestors


Culture is a specific form of human existence, a special way of expressing human activity, the essence of man, precisely what distinguishes him from the animal world. Culture is a product of the social development of mankind, and at the same time it is a qualitative characteristic of human society. Culture not only helps us learn about the world around us, but also helps us to form our own beliefs and guidelines, to develop criteria for evaluating material and spiritual values, to define our own value system and our own value orientations. The mentality contains the imprint of historical traditions, behavior styles, peculiarities of thinking, worldview, perception and interpretation of the world, features of the national character inherited from previous generations. Mentality is determined by archetypes and stereotypes of a certain culture and is reflected in its socio-cultural phenomena. Awareness of the culture of one's own people, acceptance of the mentality and experience of previous generations contributes to patriotic education, national awareness of the individual, and the consolidation of the people. Culture is a set of material and spiritual values created by mankind during its existence. In essence, this is a way of separating man from nature, because man took a stick in his hands and saw in it not only a tool of work, but also a weapon. This weapon could be used against predators, enemies or relatives. Thus, the natural right to the power of the strongest was destroyed. In order to overcome the destruction of each other, humanity had to find something stronger than weapons - morality. Thus, through the system of taboos and commandments, the first system is formed - the value of human life, the value of the family, which will eventually become the basis of culture. Therefore, culture is a way of relating a person to nature, society, to himself, in the process of which a person actively learns and assimilates the culture created by his ancestors, reproduces it, creating a new one on the basis of the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, acquired by him as values, taking into account peculiarities of mentality. Culture is recognized in a person's relationship to reality, to other people, to himself, and a person's relationship to culture is important not only for the cultural development of a person, but also for the existence of culture itself.


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How to Cite

Gotynyan-Zhuravlyova В. В., & Sumchenko І. В. (2024). CULTURE AS A SYSTEM OF MORAL VALUES: ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF EMERGENCE. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 310–316.

