


culture, Ukrainian culture, cinema, author’s cinema, national specificity, identity


The article explores the national peculiarities of auteur cinema in contemporary Ukrainian culture. It is noted that the definition of the national peculiarities of author’s cinema is relevant in view of the demand for author’s films and their role in modern nation-building processes. The aim of the study is to determine the national specificity and essential features in the historical and political context of the development of Ukrainian auteur cinema. The study used interdisciplinary methodological tools, which allowed us to consider Ukrainian auteur cinema in its entirety, as well as to clarify and supplement the essential understanding of its national specificity. The historical method allowed us to study the peculiarities of the formation of auteur cinema in historical retrospect. The methods of systematization and generalization were used to argue for the originality of the author’s cinema phenomenon and to highlight its main features. The bibliographic method made it possible to personify the achievements of auteur cinema. The cultural approach led to a generalized orientation of the research and allowed us to identify and define national peculiarities in the auteur films of Ukrainian artists. Scientific novelty. Proceeding from the fact that the formation of the national specificity of author’s cinema is influenced by the historical era and the personality of the artist whose work reflects a certain era, this study for the first time analyses and systematizes the national specificity in correlation with historical periods in national culture and the peculiarities of the film work of artists of a certain period. The period of formation and formation of the national identity of author’s cinema is highlighted on the example of Dovzhenko’s works in the 20–30s of the twentieth century. The phenomenon of poetic cinema in the Soviet period (works by S. Parajanov, Y. Ilyenko, L. Osyka, etc.) is highlighted. It is noted that poetic cinema in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century became a "resistance to assimilation", used historical information about Ukraine and folk art in its films, addressed national and socio-cultural issues The Ukrainian author’s cinema of the perestroika period is analyzed. It is determined that this period is characterized by the “rehabilitation” process of “imprisoned” films, the growth of the “share” of films on national and historical issues and films dedicated to famous figures of culture and art of the past. The national specificity of auteur cinema in independent Ukraine is studied. The author singles out films related to the aesthetics and moral principles of the Ukrainian people, historical and biographical films related to the defiance of Ukraine’s independence in different historical periods. The newest stage of Ukrainian auteur cinema is analyzed. It is noted that most contemporary author’s films are characterized by individual reflection on acute social issues, they cover historical events, the theme of war, the heroism of Ukrainian soldiers, and demonstrate such national traits as freedomloving, desire for freedom, cheerfulness, and thirst for life, peacefulness, and tolerance. The works of contemporary directors reflect the search for national identity and rethink dramatic and historical episodes of Ukraine’s history. It is concluded that the further development of Ukrainian auteur cinema is extremely important for the cultural and civic self-identification of society and the formation of the nation’s cultural fund.


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How to Cite

Pohasiy С. М. (2024). NATIONAL SPECIFICITY OF UKRAINIAN AUTEUR CINEMA. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 355–365.

