cultural education, culture, educational institutions, developmentAbstract
Education is an essential part of human life. It is present from an early age, when a child shapes his/her personality the most, it usually ends in adulthood, when a person makes choices based on past experiences. Therefore, education is a very important and necessary sphere of human development. Through various forms of teaching, it covers various aspects and affects the person to varying degrees. One of the types of education provided by educational institutions is cultural education, which from the perspective of an individual is an important environment for development. It introduces people to the world of culture, thanks to which it can enrich their cognitive, social and emotional spheres. Cultural education tasks are carried out in different ways in different types of institutions. It depends, among other things, on the education of teaching staff who take specific actions towards their students. These may include various types of educational trips aimed at getting to know cultural goods, organizing training and workshops for students and training for teaching staff. Research has shown that people are most interested in going to the cinema and reading books. One of the most important factors in education, including cultural education, is the impact on the person. The effects of impacts often appear after a longer period of time. According to research, contact with culture can contribute to the creation of new interests. Moreover, for the respondents it is important to raise children who can acquire appropriate values thanks to cultural education. The respondents point out that through contact with culture they deepen their emotional sphere. Despite the many advantages of this form of education, several problems were also identified, including a small number of organized educational trips and an unattractive teaching program.
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