


network, cultural network, communication network, analysis of communication networks.


The study and development of cultural communication networks is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world of globalization and multiculturalism. One of the key ideas of these areas is the use of cultural models to promote international cooperation and develop effective communication strategies. By analyzing cultural models, it becomes possible to develop tools and implement processes that support coherence and mutual understanding between communities of different cultures. The article examines the impact of network logic on contemporary culture in terms of modern technologies and social transformations. The concept of network as an element of social morphology is analyzed and its role in the context of cultural networks and symbolic forms is considered. Changes in social processes, production, power and culture under the influence of network logic are highlighted. Also, the approach of cultural network analysis is considered as a tool for studying the distribution of mental models within a cultural group and the dynamics of culture. It is noted that this approach allows us to consider culture as a network of ideas and to study how these ideas are organized and disseminated. The methodology of cultural network analysis aimed at identifying, analyzing and presenting common beliefs, values and cognitive concepts in cultural groups is described. It also discusses the importance of distinguishing between cultural models and cognitive practices. Cultural models are considered to be a reflection of the knowledge and beliefs shared by a particular cultural group, while cognitive customs refer to ways of thinking and decision-making that may vary across cultures. Cultural models are an important tool for understanding how members of certain cultural groups perceive the world around them. They include knowledge and mental representations that are shared among members of a cultural group and influence their decisions and actions. Patents, copyright, trademarks, and industrial designs; newspaper, book, and periodical publishing; broadcasting and cable television; networked video and telecommunications; and the economics of knowledge production and education are just some of the fields, practices, and activities that should be addressed by a researcher of communication networks in cultural contexts.


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How to Cite

Butenko О. В. (2024). ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKS IN CULTURAL CONTEXTS. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 103–107.