


intelligence, structure of intelligence, epistemological, social aspect of intelligence.


The article analyzes some scientific sources about intelligence, considers the genesis of the concept of intelligence, shows that intelligence is objective in content and at the same time subjective in ideal form, because it is expressed in incompleteness, one-sidedness, inadequacy of the reflection of reality, which is involved in active human activity, it is proved that the content of intelligence is characterized by the organic unity of the objective and subjective sides. The two component structures of each person’s intelligence, despite different abilities for mental activity, individuality, uniqueness – epistemological and social; epistemological and social methods of interrelation of its component elements and their functioning, it is proved that the epistemological component characterizes the maturity of a person’s thinking, the specificity and level of the cognitive and transforming power of his mind and contains the human ability: to purposeful, active, adequate reflection of objective reality; to the creative solution of emerging problems, at the same time moving from the solution of one task to the solution of another; to reliance on general scientific and special methods of cognitive activity; the ability to predict; to intuition. The practical and theoretical forms of intelligence, which are implemented in the activities of a military serviceman, are characterized. The social aspects of intelligence are highlighted: it is a product of a long socio-historical development, the basis of which is the process of material and spiritual production; it reflects the entire palette of modern social relations, namely the level of democratic, scientific, aesthetic development of our state, the social division of labor, especially this is manifested in the professional orientation of the intellect; distribution of intelligence by species. namely: verbal, logical, spatial, professional, physical, social, spiritual, creative, practical, academic intelligence.


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How to Cite

Voloshyna Н. М. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL MAINSTREAMS OF THE INTELLECT OF THE MODERN MILITARY SERVICEMAN. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 138–144.