man, freedom of action, freedom of will, civil society, social existence, democratic values, negative liberty.Abstract
The article is the study of the phenomenon of freedom of action as a universal means of reorganization of social existence. It has been established that the theoretical and methodological problems of human freedom have been analyzed since the first works in world literature appeared and remain one of the most relevant topics of world philosophical thought, but the people of Ukraine today write their effective philosophy of freedom with the sacrificial feat of its best sons and daughters. The tragic humanitarian crisis of the full-scale war of Ukraine against the russian federation for its independence and state sovereignty sharpened the relevance of the study of the social genesis of the concept of freedom of action in the modern world dominated by digital technologies and artificial intelligence and confirmed the priority importance of conscious practical human activity in the context of national state-building. The result of our research is a complex socio-philosophical analysis of radical conceptual changes according to the scheme: ancient ideas about the social effectiveness of a free citizen of state – the period of dominance of social practices of the modernist project of intelligent sociology – the design of the principles of negative liberty of the Postmodern period, with the aim of a unified humanitarian approach to solving modern problems of the democratic society of the globalized world. Special attention is paid to intellectual achievements of national thinkers of different eras, such as the ideas of national freedom by P. Mohyla, "kindred" labor and the principle of "unequal equality" by H. Skovoroda, as well as the freedoms of a citizen of a global state by P. Yurkevich. It is shown that freedom of action is directly related to the individual existence of a person and their assimilation of a subjective system of values. An active person does not so much analyze his social actions, but on the basis of a unique combination of emotional-sensual perception, creative-volitional and logical-rational cognitive abilities, masters them as well as the world, constantly influencing the reorganization of social life.
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