science education, citizen science, citizen science education, axiological priorities, heuristic potential.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the heuristic potential of science education for the development of responsible citizenship, promoting the formation of critical thinking, research abilities, and problem-solving skills. The concepts of citizen science and citizen science education, their axiological priorities, and their potential impact on society are analyzed. The article emphasizes the need to change the approach to understanding science, encouraging critical analysis of the connections between scientific ideas and social structures, emphasizing the importance of transparency in citizen science, and actualizing the role of community involvement in strengthening trust between scientists and the public. The article also examines the moral purpose of science education, aimed at alleviating public skepticism about science and promoting ethical decision-making. In addition, various modalities of citizen science and citizen scientific education and their role in social progress are analyzed, and the importance of science education in educating responsible citizens capable of critically evaluating information and contributing to social progress is highlighted.
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