civic competence, education, development strategies, critical thinking, digitalization.Abstract
The work examines the strategies for the development of civil society, the definition of the role of education and critical thinking in the formation of a modern citizen. In the article, an attempt was made on the basis of system and content analysis to consider the strengths and weaknesses of state policy strategies regarding the formation of civil society and civic education, taking into account modern conditions of martial law, active digitalization of the educational process, etc. Based on the consideration of individual legislative initiatives, it was established that the formation of civil society development strategies in Ukraine began at the beginning of the 21st century, when such documents were already functioning in other countries of the Central European region. State institutions gradually became aware of the role of civil society, although the lack of mandatory indicators of civil society development demonstrated the weakness of such projects. If the first documents are more like declarations that reveal certain markers for development, then the gradual transition to concrete formulations, the implementation of real initiatives made it possible to develop civic education through the combination of various elements of tradition and innovation. Taking into account the emphasis on the need to develop critical thinking, media literacy, existing regulatory documents determine the real modern features of the formation of civic competence among students of education. The article separately emphasizes that there is a need to supplement existing documents with the use of new relevant tools that offer mechanisms of digitization and distance learning in education. The conclusions emphasized that with the use of new modern digital tools, even in today’s extreme conditions, it would be possible to continue to develop civic competence in the environment of education seekers, resorting not only to highlighting the peculiarities of the educational process, but also to current trends in self-education, lifelong education and other important factors acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the modern world.
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