educational paradigm, European integration transformations, digitalization, intercultural communication, philosophy of education.Abstract
The article analyzes the methodological foundations of the development and formation of a new educational paradigm in the conditions of modern European integration transformations. The development and formation of the educational paradigm is analyzed, with a special emphasis on its philosophical and methodological foundations. It was determined that the paradigm is considered as an important element in the formation of the educational process, which integrates scientific theories and methods, forming research practice in the field of education. It was found that philosophy is a key aspect in understanding the educational paradigm, as it provides a theoretical basis for the analysis and critical understanding of educational ideas and practices, which allows identifying and developing new pedagogical approaches, responding to the challenges of the modern information society. The philosophy of education also focuses on the analysis of the crisis of traditional education and the search for ways to overcome it, the development of state and regional education policy. Based on the analysis, it was determined that the methodological foundations of the development and formation of the educational paradigm in the context of modern European integration transformations include the integration of pedagogical theory and practice, as well as an emphasis on the development of strategies that allow educational systems to effectively respond to changes in society. Special attention is paid to the need to adapt educational processes to new challenges, including globalization, digitalization and multiculturalism. Special attention is paid to the training of specialists who will be able to work effectively in the European labor market, which requires the harmonization of educational standards and taking into account modern requirements for intercultural competence and digital literacy. Conclusions have been drawn, which indicate that the methodological foundations of the development and formation of an educational paradigm in the context of modern European integration transformations are of great importance for the formation of an effective, adaptive and responsible educational system, which requires constant analysis, evaluation and updating of approaches to education, reflecting modern trends and requirements.
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