


information, network society, information society, consumption, knowledge.


The article highlights the essence of the concept of information in the context of a network society. The main characteristics and properties of information, its impact on society and the economy are considered. It is demonstrated that information is an intangible resource that permeates and transforms various spheres of life. The importance of the qualitative aspects of information and the problems of assessing its value on a market basis are highlighted. It is established that information, in comparison with matter or energy, is an intangible resource. This means that it is not an object of physical nature, but instead represents symbols, signs or data that express or indicate certain concepts or realities outside of themselves. This intangible nature of information affects its behavior and interaction with other laws of nature. Information is constantly transformed through the recipient who receives it. It is not just introduced into the production process or used, but permeates and transforms the production processes themselves, social interactions, views and preferences. This makes it different from other factors of production and creates a continuous cycle of influence and change. The author emphasizes the idea that information, as an epiphenomenon for matter and energy, plays a key role in shaping and changing the types of production and consumption. The transformation of information through the recipient emphasizes its constant impact on our knowledge. In understanding information as a key resource, the importance of qualitative aspects cannot be underestimated, because information, as a symbolic entity, provides an opportunity for continuous development in modern economic conditions. The article analyzes the properties of information and its impact on the economy and society. In particular, the author highlights the ideas of M. Castells of the information society and globalization, which are crucial for the development of the concept. Information as a public good requires a thorough study of its qualitative aspects and consideration of its impact on the processes of thinking and knowledge transformation. Finally, the article calls for further research in this area, taking into account the broader context of the information economy and society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Yakubets В. О. (2024). BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION IN A NETWORK SOCIETY. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 313–317.