value, determinant, value transformations, cultural development.Abstract
The article presents the theoretical and practical discourse of understanding values as determinants of cultural development. The author comprehends the concepts of Ukrainian scholars regarding value determinants in culture, reveals scientific approaches to selected universals of Ukrainian culture through the analysis of the historical retrospective of the development of ideas of the values of a free personality, and analyses the fundamentals of the values of Ukrainian culture. The article theoretically interprets the concept of “determinant” in the discourse of the value approach and offers the author’s approach to its understanding. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the issue of the phenomenon of values is a topic that remains relevant for theoretical understanding, since a person’s awareness of the mission and vision of values appears as a source of motivation and inspires civic-minded decisions and actions. The author underlines the crucial importance of the mission and vision in the development of a value-oriented cultural space, cultural practice, event, among others. The article determines that value determinants are an important cultural, educational, and compensatory tool in the system of meeting human cultural needs. Special attention is paid to understanding the exceptional importance of value-based approaches in cultural development during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author emphasizes the importance of taking into account the socio-state value determinants in the patriotic education of youth. The article demonstrates that values as determinants of cultural development are determined by both global and local dimensions and influences, and therefore research in this axiological context is promising for cultural knowledge.
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