digital culture, digital technologies, popularization, communication, consumers of cultural content.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to characterize the main directions of the digital transformation of culture with a view to the formation of new requirements for its popularization. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, content analysis, generalization, etc.) and special methods integrated from cultural studies and sciences that study the use of information technologies in human activity. The novelty of the study consists in drawing attention to the need to use digital information technologies in the popularization of culture in view of significant changes in its configuration, as well as in audience communication. Conclusions. The emergence of digital technologies has qualitatively changed the configuration of culture and the processes that take place in it. The new stage of civilizational development can be characterized as digital culture. It indicates the specific structure and features of human interaction associated with the rapid development of digital technologies. Digital culture is a concept that reflects the impact of digital technologies on modern society and the cultural landscape, on all aspects of life that have become an integral part of our daily existence, including communication, education, entertainment, art, economy and other areas. The dynamics of culture, typical of the globalized digital age, call into question traditional models of authority and reputation, which has direct consequences for all social sectors, in particular cultural and artistic. This trend stimulates the search for more adequate directions and tools of cultural and artistic presentation that would meet the value guidelines and requirements of the modern digital society. This led to tough challenges and changes not only in the cultural industry, but also provided significant advantages to consumers of cultural content, whose needs and digital communication experience become decisive in its popularization.
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