


new cultural history, cultural history, cultural studies, cultural practices, cultural region.


The purpose of the article is to investigate theoretical reflection to comprehend the concept of “New cultural history” to find an immanent sign of the gravity of the theories studied to cultural practices. The methodology of the research includes the general scientific principles of systematization and generalization of the problem under study, which allowed to define and scientifically substantiate theories, conceptual approaches to understanding the contents of the ideas of “New cultural history”, “cultural history” as an immanent sign of understanding of the practice. The purpose of the article necessitated the application of an axiological approach, which made it possible to identify interdisciplinary theories, particularly historical, under consideration, to reveal personalized and unanimous scientific positions. The use of the analytical method revealed the conceptual foundations for further scientific perspectives of historical and cultural knowledge. The scientific novelty consists in understanding the semantic range of concepts of “New cultural history”, “cultural history”, from the point of view of interdisciplinary theoretical approaches and positions; in outlining the historical and cultural context of the formation of the new national direction of cultural studies. The semantic nucleus of a New cultural history are characterized by its interdisciplinary character and productive interaction with various branches of socio-humanitarian knowledge, particularly historical one. Accumulating culture both in its unique sense and in a deep historical meaning, the studying and understanding of historical trends in the development of cultural practices are necessary and promising for the preservation of the national identity. Cultural practices in today’s socio-economic and political contexts are gaining ground and need to be developed and effectively utilize appropriate scientific thinking, practical interest, and support for all stakeholders in cultural transformations.


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How to Cite

Kopiievska, O. (2024). NEW CULTURAL HISTORY AS AN IMMANENT FEATURE OF CULTURAL PRACTICES. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 359–364.

