


cultural heritage, identity crisis, visual perception, socio-cultural practices, aesthetic education.


The current stage of the formation of the cultural environment in Ukraine is being realized against the background of the actualization of the issues of spiritual security of the nation and the preservation of artistic and aesthetic national traditions. The fundamental importance of the aesthetic in the transformation of cultural processes confirms the interdependence of the dialectic of cultural development and the processes of aesthetic perception and aesthetic certainty. The study aims to analyze the current specifics of the “aesthetic” in the process of forming contemporary Ukrainian culture, as well as to predict the development of its influence in the future. The article analyzes and evaluates the aspects of aesthetics’ influence on the cultural environment. The work analyzes the socio-cultural functions of aesthetic culture, its place and role in the context of the transformation of modern Ukrainian society. The author identifies a number of challenges that accompany the growing role of the “aesthetic” in the modern socio-cultural space. The study was conducted using general scientific methods of cognition: abstract and logical and comparative analysis, abstraction, induction and deduction, as well as methods of concretization and formalization. It has been established that the essence of the priority of the “aesthetic” in the processes of cultural transformation is the formation of a full perception and correct understanding of beauty, the assimilation of aesthetic concepts, and the positioning of ideals in the development of creative potential. The need to stimulate discourse and adaptive dynamics of propositions in the field of research is substantiated. The issue of aesthetic education in Ukrainian society is considered. It is proved that aesthetic and cultural development, which are currently represented by separate areas of development, are in constant interdependence, which is due to a common basis. It is concluded that the urgency of recognizing the problems of ethics in the system of cultural transformation belongs to the top priorities of the aesthetic and cultural transformation of social development. The results of the study may be of practical value for the process of formation of modern Ukrainian culture in the context of globalization of the duality of trends in socio-cultural transformation.


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How to Cite

Pishchanska В. М. (2024). THE SPECIFICITY OF “AESTHETIC” IN THE FORMATION OF MODERN UKRAINIAN CULTURE. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 373–379.

