cultural memory, Ukrainian culture, postcolonial studies, decolonization.Abstract
The article analyzes the development of conceptual tools for the study of cultural memory, in particular, reflecting changes in the research approach after the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The impact of these events on academic and public debates is emphasized, in particular, the interest in the subject of Ukrainian culture and memory studies in an interdisciplinary context, which opens up new perspectives for understanding cultural dynamics. The study proposes a concept of the term cultural memory, distinguishing it from other terms such as historical memory and collective memory, and argues its importance as a dynamic process that contributes to understanding the past, shaping identity, and preserving cultural values in the modern world. Two approaches in cultural memory studies are conceptually united: the theory of cultural memory by J. Assmann and A. Assmann and social memory by P. Connerton. It is proposed to study the postcolonial and decolonial aspects of Ukrainian cultural memory, taking into account transitory and post-traumatic dimensions, which will contribute to a deeper understanding of the formation of national identity in the context of colonial and post-totalitarian influences on the current cultural situation. An analysis of the works of leading Ukrainian cultural researchers such as M. Pavlyshyn, M. Riabchuk, V. Viatrovych, O. Danylevska, and T. Gundorova allows us to understand various aspects of cultural memory and its interaction with history and the present. It is important to take into account not only external transformations but also internal processes that contribute to the formation of cultural identity. A detailed study of these aspects requires an interdisciplinary approach and constant analysis in the context of contemporary socio-cultural and political realities.
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