cultural archetype, archetypal image, prototype, Ukrainian traditional culture, ethnos, worldview, visual content.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of archetypal images of Ukrainian traditional culture and trace the trend of their transformation in modern visual Internet content. Methodology. The method of theoretical research, historical and cultural method, semiotic method, phenomenological method, interpretive method and method of theoretical generalization are applied. Scientific novelty. Archetypal images of Ukrainian traditional culture are considered; based on the analysis of scientific literature, the concept of “archetype”, the generally accepted classification of cultural archetypes and the specificity of archetypal images of the traditional culture of Ukrainians were specified; transformative processes characteristic of the visualization of ancient archetypal images are outlined in accordance with the trend of their actualization and representation in modern Internet content. Conclusions. Archetypal images are symbolic representations that form and organize the semantic component of the main archetypes; specific verbal and visual manifestations that adapt and transform according to the cultural context. One strategy for identifying archetypal images is to look for recurring symbolic patterns with deep cultural significance over time. Present in traditional Ukrainian culture, rituals, mythology, folklore and religious texts, they are restored in modern culture through cultural products, practices, and works of art. Their actualization in visual content presented on the Internet contributes to relaying the meaning of archetypal images to the general public and cultural identification of Ukrainians. At the same time, most of the archetypes of traditional Ukrainian culture are the archetypes of the Mother (womenbereginas, housewives, mother-nature, Mother Earth), Earth, Sky and Sun, House/House, Temple, Light, Time, Fate, etc. – it is deformed due to the global restructuring of the meaningful realities of the modern socio-cultural space, in particular, its characteristic functions are violated, the chaos of the position in hermeneutic circles, etc., increases.
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