Woman, Apostle Paul, pastor, service, first letter to the CorinthiansAbstract
Throughout the long history of mankind, the question of the role of women has arisen among philosophers, theologians, and ordinary people. The attitude towards women, either in Diogenes's rejection of the second half of humanity or in more benevolent philosophers, reflects changing ideas about the role of women on different planes. Variability has not changed in the philosophy of the Christian community, concerning the role of women in society, home, community, and church. But today, questions arise that were not thought of centuries ago. One of these questions is the role of women in ministry. The article examines the issue of the role of women in church practice. And taking into account the views of John Chrysostom, Jean Calvin, and ending with more modern figures such as Professor Craig Keener and Dr. John Mark-Arthur, one can see one undeniable truth – there is no consensus. In particular, highlighting the issues of the linguistic behavior of women in the church, which is what happens in this work, the statements of various literary sources are considered, it is possible to note the versatility of the question and the diversity of answers, which leads to am biguity in this issue, and therefore the importance of its study. Also, considering the cultural context of that time and the textual context of Paul's letter itself, the importance of time and culture and usually the problems of society from the point of view of the behavior and role of women in the church is revealed. And paying attention to the possible content of words, taking into account the cultural and textual context, an unhealthy constitution of the church in the Corinthian community itself is traced. Another issue for consideration was the modern role of women in church ministry. If we can give more unambiguous answers to the question of the role of women in the past, then in relation to the present this arises not only incredibly difficult, but also equally relevant. In the survey, the conducted ministry of women was divided into pastoral and other church ministry. A questionnaire was conducted on these issues. In general, women serving as church pastors did not receive support from respondents, although the situation varies depending on the country and region.
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