


military orchestra, military musicians, military conductors, cultural potential, social impact, cultural space, spiritual needs, cultural forms


The proposed article is an attempt to outline an important area of the artistic activity of domestic military orchestras. The political situation in Ukraine, along with various types of activities, has brought to the forefront the public performance function of military orchestras. The activities of military-artistic ensembles, which combine instrumental performance universality with the professional discipline of military personnel in their work, are examined. The aim of the research is to create a socio-cultural portrait of the concert activities of contemporary Ukrainian military orchestras. The communicative properties of the performed music, its inherent need for public realization, and its ability to socialize individuals and form specific social groups into active communities are described. The novelty of the article lies in the attempt to valorize military band performance from the standpoint of the system of modern socio-cultural and moral values. The concert activities of musical ensembles are carried out using both traditional and innovative performance methods. During a concert performance, musicians and listeners unite through the timbral-acoustic energy into a shared cultural space, where the ensemble of military musicians represents a model of a society of artistically gifted individuals, united into a whole by the humanistic orientation of the artistic idea. The pieces from the general repertoire of the orchestra are selected considering the sociocultural characteristics of the specific audience and the venue where the concert program will be performed. This distinguishes the preparation for a military orchestra concert from that of a civilian one, as the concert program of a civilian orchestra is typically compiled without special consideration of the social composition of the audience and the condition of the «concert venue». In contrast, a military orchestra often has to perform its program in combat positions.


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How to Cite

Martynova І. В. (2024). CONCERT ACTIVITY OF THE MILITARY ORCHESTRAS AS A CULTURAL PHENOMENON. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 322–328.

