new theology, neo-scholasticism, pneumatology, Triadology, ecclesiologyAbstract
The article contains the analysis of the Catholic Dominican theologian Yves Congar’s genesis of the pneumatological thinking with taking into account the prevailing intellectual challenges of the first half of the 20th century, as well as the theological opposition on the part of the neo-Thomist (neo-scholasticism) movement’s main representatives. The dynamics of Congar’s theological formation has been traced in the context of his critical rhetoric towards the artificial alienation of theology from the rest of the humanitarian disciplines. There has also been revealed the essential connection between the powerful pneumatological component of Congar’s concept of Church renewal and his reinterpretation of Trinitarian ontology. The author also accentuates the possible directions of practical applications of Congar’s theoretical work for overcoming some highly problematic aspects of modern Western Christianity.
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