
  • Yulia Sokolovska
  • Iryna Sevruk




martial law, evacuation, families of servicemen, social guarantees, social protection of servicemen, moral and ethical risks, the principle of mutual responsibility of servicemen and the state


Considering the systemic, concrete-historical, interdisciplinary and functional approaches, the present paper provides an analysis of the moral and ethical issues related to the evacuation of servicemen’s families from the combat zone. The principle of mutual responsibility of the military and the state as the foundation in solving a wide range of problems regarding the social security of servicemen is substantiated. The research purpose is to justify the need for the state to recognize the problems of evacuating families of military personnel from the combat zone as the crucial institutional solution; at the legislative level and at all levels of the military organization, to guarantee the safety of families, regardless of the rank, position and status of a serviceman; to define the principle of mutual responsibility of the serviceman and the state as basic. During the research, the methods of philosophical reflection, analysis, synthesis, document analysis, monitoring, observation and survey were used. The context of this research is the realities of modern Ukraine as a country on the territory of which the martial law has been introduced. Peculiarities of the obtained results: 1) on the basis of the conducted analysis, it was proved that the evacuation of families should not be a personal problem of individual servicemen; this problem is a significant factor affecting the security of the state and society; accordingly, its solution cannot be reduced to a purely personal level; 2) in order to ensure the security of the state and society, an institutionally fixed solution to this problem is necessary; at the same time, it is important to take into account the two levels (state and military organization) and clearly determine the specific tasks and action algorithms of each of these levels; 3) the principle of mutual responsibility of the serviceman and the state should become the moral and ethical basis that forms the moral and ethical contexts for solving the social problems of servicemen and their families, in particular, the problem of evacuating families of servicemen from the combat zone; 4) it is substantiated that the responsibility of the Ukrainian state should be built as a real lean and flexible system capable of predicting future risks/problems and adequately reacting to them. The conducted research opens up a wide range of prospects for further research in the scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical direction.


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How to Cite

Sokolovska Ю. В., & Sevruk І. І. (2022). EVACUATION OF SERVICEMEN’S FAMILIES FROM THE COMBAT ZONE: MORAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXTS. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 169–175. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2022.3.22


