
  • Uliana Khamar



Arabic philosophy, Muslims, religion, Islam, Koran, Arab Caliphate, Semites, Greek science, symbolism


The article is devoted to the study of the origins and main directions of the development of Arab philosophy as a concept used to understand the conventional designation of the philosophy of Muslim countries that were part of the Arab Caliphate. The purpose of the work is defined as the need for theoretical substantiation of the sources of the emergence and development of Arabic philosophy, in particular, at the stage of formation and development. The content ambivalence of this phenomenon is revealed, the religious beliefs that were at the beginning of the practice of Islam are defined. It was determined that totemism was the original form of the religion of the Semitic peoples. The question of the emergence and integration of Islam in the life of the Arab people, the role and meaning of the Koran, the attitude towards believers and representatives of other religious beliefs is elaborated in detail. It was determined that one of the main problems raised in the holy book of Muslims is the problem of the origin of man. Briefly presented and characterized three main philosophical schools (Mutakalites, Mutazalites and representatives of Sufism), the basic ideas on the basis of which the nature of their teachings is differentiated. It has been established that, along with Islam, Greek science became the most important spiritual source of Arab philosophy. The content of a separate conceptual and categorical apparatus of Arabic philosophy is defined. In the conclusions, it is noted that the uniqueness of Arab-Muslim philosophical thought comes down to the fact that it approached the works of Greek authors from a research standpoint, actually becoming one of the sources that enriched human thought as a whole.


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How to Cite

Khamar У. В. (2022). WORLD VIEW ORIGINS OF ARABIC PHILOSOPHY. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 176–182.


