tourist destinations, culturology of tourism, socio-cultural development of tourism, culture of Kyiv, 19th centuryAbstract
This article aims to study, analyze and understand the socio-cultural processes that were taking place in the 19th century in Kyiv, as well as their impact on the formation of tourist destinations; to outline the relationship between these processes; to initiate a thorough study of the socio-cultural space of Kyiv in the context of the impact made on the evolution of tourist destinations and the level of culture of the entire society. The relevance of the work lies in the insufficiently studied cultural components of the origin of tourist destinations in relation to the situation in the socio-cultural space of Kyiv. The main methods of study are analysis, synthesis, historical-empirical, bibliographic, genetic and other interdisciplinary and cultural methods. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the need to understand and analyze the relationship between the stages in the socio-cultural space of the city and the development of tourist destinations through cultural studies; to reveal and specify the comprehensive mutual influence made between these two factors on the cultural development of society. The result is the analysis of the cultural components in the development of tourist destinations as an important socio-cultural phenomenon, the identification of the milestones of socio-cultural transformations in the space of Kyiv throughout the 19th century. The conclusions were made that the general level of education and culture, the activity of researchers and scientists, the release of guidebooks and other printed publications, as well as the availability of convenient communication routes, hotels and other infrastructure not only contribute to higher attractiveness of the city as a travel destination, but also form the general level of consciousness in society. Prospects for further research lie in proceeding with comprehensive and thorough cultural studies of the emergence and development of tourist destinations, taking into account the importance of assessing the influence that the society development and the socio-cultural space have on these processes.
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