
  • Mykhailo Kulyniak



digitization, cultural heritage, digitization of cultural heritage, digital culture, digitalization in the field of culture, 3D modeling, remediation, aggregation, digital content, digital infrastructures


The article examines the peculiarities of the implementation and use of digital technologies for the purpose of preserving and popularizing cultural heritage. The foreign and Ukrainian experience of studying, preserving and spreading cultural heritage with the help of digital technologies is summarized and analyzed. An overview of scientific research on the development of digitization of cultural heritage is presented. The important role of digitization of the information space of the cultural environment in the promotion of cultural values, their application, effective involvement of a wide audience in the cultural and historical contexts of the country is emphasized. The opinion is substantiated that the development of digitalization of cultural heritage is associated with technical features of digital infrastructures that allow them to be perceived as structures that create and disseminate knowledge that can be inscribed in other contexts and combined with data from other sources.


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How to Cite

Kulyniak М. А. (2022). DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A PHENOMENON OF DIGITAL CULTURE. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 218–227.


