
  • Vira Savchenko




cultural approach, sociocultural context, decorative and applied art, handmade practice, globalization


The article examines the main characteristics of the conditions for the emergence and existence of the handmade practice in the cultural context of modernity. The conditions under which the practice of handmade is formed are considered. The reason is the development of technologies, communications and the Internet. The practice of hangmade is developing and spreading on the Internet. It is very adaptable for a person who is not a professional but wants to have a hobby. Handmade practice has many channels for learning: descriptions, master classes. You can study at any time. It is very convenient for the user. Interest in unique handmade products can be explained by the conditions of mass society and the society of impressions. Production is mass and of the same type. Unique items emphasize a person’s individuality. The cultural features of the globalized society are described. The problem may be that unique national cultures may be lost. When analyzing such a social phenomenon, it is very important to take into account the social context. At the same time, it is noted that the globalized society is at the stage of formation. It is concluded that the practice of handmade is the newest form of decorative and applied art. Some functions of handmade practice become relevant in new cultural conditions. The practice of handmade can be an actual means of preserving national cultures in new conditions. Decorative and applied art is not mass. The uniqueness of handmade products, the wide application of national cultural codes can be a good tool. A conclusion is made about the polyvariability of cultural processes in the modern globalized world. The topic of the development of decorative and applied art in the conditions of a global society is very important and promising.


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How to Cite

Savchenko В. Г. (2022). HANDMADE AS A GLOBAL PROJECT. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 263–266. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2022.3.32


