
  • Olena Hubernator



immersiveness, cultural practices, immersion, virtual reality technologies, experience, aesthetic influence


The article examines the peculiarities of modern immersive cultural practices. The role of immersiveness in modern culture is analyzed – immersiveness is considered as a phenomenon of the illusory-affective structure of modern culture (according to R. van den Akker, A. Gibson and T. Vermeulen), which consists in the transformation that occurs with a person in a short-term period thanks to bodily-tactile immersion in the environment and increasing the effect of presence. The main aspects of the peculiarities of immersive practices in modern theater art, cinematography, video art, exhibition activities, and representation of cultural heritage are highlighted. It is proposed to define the concept of “immersive cultural practices” as modern cultural practices that offer an immersive experience and use innovative technologies to achieve this result. Immersive cultural practices were found to use technologies such as: video mapping, spatial sound system, augmented reality, virtual reality, digital art/content creation software, tactile sensing and mobile technologies.


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How to Cite

Hubernator О. І. (2022). IMMERSIVE CULTURAL PRACTICES OF THE 21ST CENTURY: FEATURES AND TECHNIQUES. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 283–289.


