Purpose and tasks
Culturological Almanac was established to develop domestic scientific potential in religious studies, history, archeology, philosophy, and cultural studies.
The peer-review journal covers topical issues of the methodology of philosophical sciences; deals with forms and particularities of the development of modern philosophical directions of research of nature and society and actual problems of socio-humanitarian dimensions of human existence.
It analyses the evolvement of religious studies and cultural studies. The journal studies the history of religions and religious beliefs, structure and key tasks of cultural studies as a science; analyses general trends and milestones of the development of archeology and historical sciences.
The goal determines objectives:
– contribute to the creation of an open information environment that provides interaction between leading experts and young scholars in religious studies, history, archeology, philosophy, and cultural studies;
– publish high-quality scientific papers in the relevant fields;
– promote networking between Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University and domestic and global scientific and academic communities.