Peer-review process
The process of reviewing articles consists of the following stages:
1. Articles submitted for publication in the journal "Culturological Almanac" shall be submitted to the Secretary responsible for the initial assessment of compliance with the formal requirements. The article must meet the design requirements. Articles that do not meet the applicable requirements are not accepted for further review.
2. The article is reviewed by one reviewer. The process of reviewing the article is confidential and anonymous (the terms and conditions, content, features and stages of the review, reviewers' comments, and final decision on publication are not disclosed to anyone but the authors and reviewers). The author is informed of the results of the review and the views of the editorial board by email. If the reviewer indicates that certain corrections should be made to the article, the secretary-in-chief sends it to the author with an offer to take into account comments and remarks when preparing the updated version of the article or, in case of disagreement, reasonably refute them.