culture of Ukraine, art of Ukraine, Ukrainian identity, contemporary artAbstract
Introduction. The question of Ukrainian identity was particularly acute when tanks entered our land to destroy it. It is one of the values for which there is a war: occupation troops are trying to destroy Ukrainian identity in the temporarily occupied territories. At the same time, millions of Ukrainians are changing their attitude toward what it means to be Ukrainian, and artists are no exception. Fighting the cultural front and manipulating the cultural, linguistic, and religious aspects of ethnic identity for political reasons is not a new tactic in fomenting ethnic tensions and waging war. The aim of the work is to study the current situation and further directions of development of culture and art of Ukraine in the context of armed conflict. The methodological basis is formed using general scientific methods of cognition (dialectical, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special methods (formal, comparison method, interpretation). Study results. The authors have identified the main activities that should be aimed at the protection and preservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage and artifacts, namely: ethno-digitization, documentation and inventorying of collections; providing protective materials, packing materials, fire extinguishers, sandbags; ethno-coordination and supply tracing; documenting damage and looting; sharing best practices and experiences; online learning and webinars by contemporary artists, musicians, and painters whose mission is to ensure the continuity of the country’s cultural development and the future of its cultural heritage. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that on the basis of theoretical and applied research, the current state and directions of development of culture and art of Ukraine under martial law are analyzed. Conclusions. The invasion of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine served as a catalyst for a number of cultural processes. An unprecedented increase in the level of interest in the history of our country, the popularization of the Ukrainian language and a radical awareness of Ukrainian identity. Art also emerged from the ashes of war. Writers, musicians, directors, designers, sculptors, artists and illustrators find inspiration in the paintings of modern heroes, soldiers of the Armed Forces and territorial defense, reflect in their works the strength and courage of people, their love for the motherland, faith in victory and the burning pain of the tragedy that came to our land.
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