


inclusive design, adaptive clothing, barrier-free space, barrier-free design, universal design, less mobile population groups, advertising, inclusion, image, disability, inclusive advertising, alternative model, advertising communication, stigmatization, discrimination


The article describes the Ukrainian and foreign experience of involving people with disabilities in advertising from a philosophical, ethical and sociocultural point of view. As part of the study, a sociological survey was conducted on the attitude of Ukrainian citizens to advertisements featuring people with disabilities. A similar survey was conducted among persons with disabilities. The results of the study of the perception of inclusive advertising by representatives of different social groups indicate a positive attitude towards such advertising that uses atypical images for more effective communication. The study describes the main types of advertising that attract people from low-mobility population groups. The importance of mass media and opinion leaders in reflecting society’s attitude to this issue, as well as their influence on the formation of barrier-free values, is analyzed. The article reveals advertising as a social institution that can facilitate the integration of less mobile population groups into society and the environment. The study analyzes successful cases of inclusive advertising on the example of global brands. Shows the experience of involving alternative models in advertising campaigns of Ukrainian brands. The advertising product, which was created taking into account inclusive practices, has high communicative and social effectiveness in the socio-economic development of society. Inclusive advertising forms a tolerant society and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of less mobile population groups, which in turn contributes to the formation of a stable emotional connection between the brand and consumers. Inclusion contributes to economic growth, as it provides equal rights to all people, in particular, in the possibility of earning a profit. The work proves that further research into inclusive practices in advertising is definitely promising, as it has not only business, but also socio-cultural value. The lack of a similar Ukrainian advertising segment actualizes the search for methods of popularizing inclusion in advertising communication in Ukraine, because the purpose of modern advertising can be seen, in particular, in the spread of inclusive practices in various spheres, which undoubtedly affect the quality of life of the population.


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How to Cite

Derman Л. М., & Vlasyk Р. І. (2023). REPRESENTATION OF THE IMAGE OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN ADVERTISING OF THE ХХІ CENTURY. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 114–120.