philosophical anthropology, I, transhumanism, posthumanism, mass society, technologies.Abstract
The article deals with the issues of technological progress on a global scale and the ambiguity of the process, which combines positive and negative manifestations (intervention of technology and technologies in the life of personality, exacerbating the issue of “slavery”, disappearance of humans, cataclysm). It is noted that the common denominator of all the challenges of the modern world is an anthropological dimension. With modern artificial intelligence technologies, a model of overcoming economic, environmental, or other crises can be worked out; however, a person will decide. Explaining the experience of the twentieth century, a special aggravation of the issue of man was traced from the “anthropological turn” to “death of man”. Hence, problems with the self-determination of the modern man who tries to self-realize his existence. The focus comes with the problem of modern man’s worldviews, who rejects the transcendent and creates a closed universe according to the logic of its natural needs. The look into eternity is replaced by the moment of relaxation, nihilism. A person begins to load different everyday business, enters a “concerned” attitude to everything, and turns into “it” – mediocre because he wants to “live as everyone” or shifts everyday reality into the information space. In the variant of virtualization, there is a separation of personality consciousness from reality, simulation of sensory data, and immersion in “another world”. Virtual reality is more than technology, and it is an expression of current tendencies of culture that will influence the aesthetic experience of humanity in the future. The essential changes of the personal world, the outside world, and society generate human loss. The idea is that answer a person to the challenges of the modern world, the search for a holistic self through “immersion” in culture, the experience of unique spiritual experience, which enables one to “see” the law of world being through the creative comprehension of the world to feel the harmonious relationship and unity of things, due to the feeling of every fact of being, in any detail of our existence to reveal the absolute, eternal. Summing up, it is noted: the path of personality – the process of dialectical, responsible, and most importantly – independent. The most current engineering projects for practically embodied human modifications remain not only external manipulations about man as an object but do not go beyond human organic matter, and classical philosophical issues do not lose their relevance.
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