expert’s charisma, personality, quasi-charisma of an expert, knowledges, practice, worldview, dialogicity, objective expertise, subjective expertise.Abstract
In this article the phenomenon of an expert’s charisma as such an existential charm which arises as a result of its personal formation, practice of its own knowledges and sincere co-creative communication with others in process of serving its mission is analyzed. The phenomenon of quasi-charisma of an expert, which is the result of accumulated external behavioral signals in absence of a significant baggage of knowledges, skills and sincere involvement both in one’s own activities and in communication with others is comprehended. It is noted that existential and communicative foundations of the real expert’s charisma are: knowledges, practice of knowledges, experiencing by an expert of its own activity as “kindred” and dialogical rhetoric. The phenomena of objective and subjective expertise of a man are analyzed. An idea is being developed, that expert’s charisma is conditioned of social perception and is not an only a result of personal manifestation, as well as the accumulated experience of a person, but also a result of its social and, in particular, professional reputation. The proposition is substantiated, that the liveliness of knowledges, supplemented by experience and creative approach, gives an expert the opportunity to know innovative methods of studying reality, making new discoveries from the depths of its own personality. Thus, a truly charismatic expert creates and expresses the exclusivity of its own activity. It is concluded, that an expert’s charisma is an expression of its openness to itself, the world and Others in the process of personal growth and serving its own mission, changing lives of Others for the better. The real expert’s charisma is always revealed to the maximum in the context of service to the Other by his activity, which becomes a mission. By offering a certain complete value by its own activity and adapting its presentation to the perception of the follower, the expert will strengthen its charisma as a person who is a source of exclusivity and uniqueness, a trigger for life changes for the better and a bright beacon on the path of personal transformations of surrounding people.
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