


Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute, history teaching, methodology, religious education of students, professional competencies of future teachers


The article highlights the classification of the source base on the history of the Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute (1874–1917) and presents some of the achievements of researchers of the 21st century. from the same problem. The role of the mentioned educational institution in reforming the domestic education of future teachers of the 19th–20th centuries is clarified. The specifics of pedagogical education, the peculiarities of the internal routine of the applicants (the duration of the academic year, the amount of time for rest, disciplines for compulsory learning, knowledge control, etc.) were analyzed in detail. The everyday life of the students of the Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute (1874–1917) was studied, namely the regime of working days, daily life and material support (living conditions, food, clothing, scholarships). The importance of religious education of students of pedagogical education is outlined. The entrance exams to the Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute (1874–1917), as well as the age and ethnic composition of applicants, are comprehensively characterized. The material and social support of some scientific and pedagogical workers of the institution was considered. The place of historical disciplines in the system of educational courses of the institute is studied. The thematic content of educational programs in history, the use of maps and atlases, the success rate of students in 1891–1904 are taken into account. The focus is on teaching methods of teaching subjects for student youth. The educational forms and methods of that time, the use of information resources (sources, textbooks) in history classes are considered. Effectiveness of pedagogical (analysis of notes of trial lessons) and museum practices for students of the institution has been elaborated. The main problems of training future teaching staff of the Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute (1874–1917) are substantiated. Competences of graduates compared to the knowledge of modern teachers (on the example of historians). On the basis of historical and pedagogical literature, various aspects of the activities of the Glukhiv Teacher’s Institute (1874–1917) are covered, the most important of which are: the opening of the educational institution; professional training of pupils for teaching; everyday life and religious upbringing of student youth; peculiarities of the educational process in history (load, topics, practice); difficulties of teachers regarding the formation of future teachers of schools and colleges; source base and historiography of the researched problem.


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How to Cite

Hrytsenko А. П., & Koliienko А. А. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF THE TEACHING OF HISTORY AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN THE GLUHIV TEACHING INSTITUTE (1874–1917). Культурологічний альманах, (3), 119–125.