social and cultural activity, merit benefits, USA, Ukraine, management, state supportAbstract
The nature of the relationship between culture and the state has always been a subject of debate in the scientific world. Cultural and philosophical studies are dominated by the opinion that culture simultaneously feels the impact of changes in society and is responsible for them, since radical transformations in society and the state are fundamental to the extent that they are embodied in culture and, conversely, changes in culture fundamental to the extent that they are embodied in the “foundation” of the vital activities of society and the state. Transferring the main share of responsibility for social infrastructure and socio-cultural development to the local level, the state reserves for itself the implementation of national social support programs and other social guarantees established by law, the financing of national cultural objects, individual educational institutions, objects and programs health care, as well as the provision of targeted financial assistance to regions motivated by specific conditions. Prospects for the development of the sphere of culture, related to the optimal matching of the interests of all organizers of socio-cultural activities, with an understanding of the reality of management tools, the creation of conditions for the personal interest of each employee in the final results of work, the involvement in management of more pragmatic practitioners and specialists in the field of theater and concert activities, financing the needs of the development of artistic collectives, conducting and introducing modern marketing research into the organization and management of cultural institutions. Currently, there is no single methodological approach to the definition and formation of a mechanism for managing the total resources of cultural institutions, based on the optimization of total costs and aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of available resources and maximizing the profit of the organization.
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