



playful thinking, play, a carnival sense of the world, Mikhailov’s creativity, artistic narrative, photography stankovization, Serio-comical genres, Menippean satire


The article analyzes important historical events and facts from Boris Mіkhaіlov’s biography (born August 25, 1938, Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR), іn which the artist’s playful thinking was actualized at the first stages of artistic creativity. References are made to documents that are rather rare and have not been introduced into the theoretical discourse before. The artistic and intellectual environment of the artist and the mutual influences of the environment in the 1970s and 1980s are studied. The modeling of Mіkhaіlov’s ‘Play in the Art’ is carried out in accordance with Baranovskaya’s concept of ‘playful thinking’, Lavrentiev’s concept of ‘photography stankovization’, Bakhtin’s concept of ‘serio-comical’, etc. Mikhailov’s works belong to the serious-comical genres. After meeting with Lithuanian photographers and Moscow Avant-garde artist circles in the 1970–1980s, he turned to artistic practices that have a narrative nature. As a result of communication during the meeting ‘At The Round Table’ – ‘POSSIBILITIES OF PHOTOGRAPHY’ (Moscow) in November 1981, Mikhailov has developed easel photography towards his creativity. Some of Mikhailov’s artistic narratives, which were made between 1981 and 1988, have elements of photography carnivalizing and Menippean satire. The properties of Mikhailov playfully thinking – redundancy, substitutions and shifts, intensity, unpredictability, and randomness make it possible for play events to take place in the artist’s artistic work. The article analyzes selected Mikhailov’s artworks, which were created at the second, ‘conceptual’ stage of his creativity. In the course of the study, biographical, conceptual, descriptive-phenomenological methods of analysis, comparativistics and hermeneutics were applied.


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How to Cite

Chekh Н. Б. (2023). “PLAY IN THE ARTS” BY BORIS MIKHAILOV (1981–1988): HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ARTISTIC CONTEXT. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 340–356. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.3.47

