meaning generation, human, thinking, intelligence, scientific knowledge, intellectual energy, intellectual activity, industrial society, social worldAbstract
The work substantiates the process of intellectualization of the planetary world at the stage of industrial civilization. It turns out that globalization and informatization are the results of this process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of intellectualization at the stage of industrial civilization. The interaction of man and the information field of the planet due to the use and accumulation of scientific knowledge is presented. The latter is a determinant of raising to a new meaningful level of development of man and society, that is, a higher level of civilizational development. The increase in the role of science as a parameter of managing contemporary human life is highlighted. Science received rapid growth – there were three scientific research and development jumps, which affected economic growth, rapid rates of involvement in the production of a huge amount of resources. The characteristics of the industrial society with its level of labor force and the material and technical base in which the intellectual energy of that time materialized are provided. The functional side of the intellectualization of the planetary world was provided by education. The culture of the industrial age acted as a means of stabilizing the planetary world on the basis of the further development of language, which ensured the formation of the ontological unity of the world. Man is recognized as the main source of intellectual energy and the carrier of corresponding activity. The subjective form of intellectualization of the planetary world requires consideration of the state of human intellectualization in its two dimensions: a) the state of the human biological organism (morphologically unchanged); b) the degree of development of human intelligence (the need for the power of mental abilities has increased and the number of members of society has increased in order to fill all spheres of life with intelligent people). The objectified form of intellectualization is manifested in the complex of systems for industrial purposes, as well as the creation of scientific institutions and the national system of professional education for the functioning of such a complex.
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