


theory of culture, socio-cultural development, international cultural cooperation, world sociocultural space, socio-cultural policy, large-scale management technologies, programming, design, implementation of innovations, system of strategic management of personnel training and retraining


The strategy of public administration should be based on a systematic socio-cultural analysis of all types of resources, with the aim of correctly forecasting, designing, planning the activities of organizations, industries and society as a whole. The structure of the management system should be based on the systems of socio-cultural analysis of all the components of negotiations, taking into account the struggle, in terms of the work of the organization and society as a whole. Modern global discussions in the field of cultural policy contributed to the establishment of a new view on the role of culture, on its connection with the economy and the state. This issue is being actively developed by UNESCO and has two main aspects. First, it is an analysis of the possibilities of state support for culture, including cultural heritage, education, art, issues of legislation, financing, management. Secondly, it is ensuring a place for culture in programs of all levels, focused on human development, education, scientific research, communication, ecology, social unity. The social and political transformations of Ukrainian society in recent decades have fundamentally changed the content and principles of cultural policy. The democratization of the Ukrainian state has increased the number of subjects and actors involved in cultural activities and cultural management. Democratization ensures a higher level of equal opportunities in culture, provides a wider choice in the consumption of cultural values. Let's consider the problem of cultural priorities in ideology, politics and the development of society in general, as well as in connection with the development of the ideas of service to the homeland, patriotism, and humanism.


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How to Cite

Polyarush Є. В. (2023). SOCIO-CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE DNIPROPETROV REGION: A CULTURAL ANALYSIS. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 239–248.

