


Holocaust, social network, cultural memory, Instagram, TikTok, Jews


The growing popularity of social networks has led to their impact on society and the dynamics of modern culture. Apps have the ability to create trends, allowing every user to join in. Through media products, platforms are transforming the understanding of narrative events such as the Holocaust. It is the informative content of the applications that allows us to trace how the cultural memory about an event of the past. The article singles out the social networks Instagram and TikTok because they have indicative visual material covering the Jewish tragedy. Our research aims to identify and track the impact of apps on the adaptation of cultural memory of the Holocaust among users. The methodology is based on the use of a culturological approach to determining the specifics of modern culture and social media; it is based on the method of content analysis, with the help of which the features of the representation of the Holocaust are considered through the prism of a visual product. Based on the review of illustrative examples of content, we recorded the moments of transformation in the audience's perception of the Jewish tragedy. With the help of the structural method, the ratio of individual and collective reflection on the event within these social networks was determined. The novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that, for the first time, an analysis of Instagram and TikTok content about the Holocaust is presented. It allows us to expand our idea of how the cultural memory of an event is transformed. We have proved that, along with traditional commemorative practices, the Holocaust needs a modern understanding with the help of a digital tool. This makes it possible to adjust the tragedy to the needs of society: accessibility and informativeness.


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How to Cite

Sharpylo М. Ю. (2023). CULTURAL MEMORY OF THE HOLOCAUST ON SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM AND TIKTOK. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 275–280.

