language, verbalization, nation, carrier of information, communicative signs, language culture, spiritual culture, ethnic language, peopleAbstract
The article highlights the role of the Ukrainian language as a factor of the nation's spirituality, a form of verbalization of the everyday experience of the Ukrainian people, practical activities and spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian community. A specific feature of the language is highlighted – its ability to serve society in all spheres of human activity, to be the only means of reflecting social consciousness in its entirety, which distinguishes it from all other phenomena related to the verbalization, storage and transmission of information. It is emphasized that the language is the main form of national culture, and the word is one of the most powerful human communication tools. Language is one of the most important means of personal expression. The word accumulates relationships between people, the word reveals an idea, and the idea is the core of self-awareness. Thus, the word provides not only pragmatic aspirations, but also serves the spiritual needs of a person. The figurative, artistic word, word-symbol, word-wisdom, and folk-poetic word is a tool of spirituality, since language reveals the intellectual and aesthetic nature of an individual, people, and nation. The problem of the interaction between the structure of language, the world view, and forms of culture has been discussed in the scientific literature for centuries. The possibilities of translating textual information into different languages are relevant aspects of modern society. It is concluded that ethnic language accumulates the knowledge of a human community, reflecting the content and structure of their social existence. According to W. Humboldt, language exists in the neuron cells of the human brain and is genetically transmitted from parents to children. All the phenomena that surround us are carriers of information. Language is a signifier. It has the ability to serve society. There is a complex dialectical relationship between language and culture: language as a verbal component of culture depends on culture, reflects it with the help of the available arsenal of means, responds to changes in culture, and changes along with changes in its elements and forms. Language is an integral part and tool of culture, one of the most important means of personal expression.
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