complaints, letters, teachers, departments of education, inspection, inspector, case, considerAbstract
The work deals with complaints against the teachers of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s–1980s. The novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the content of the complaints that concerned school teachers and the mechanism of their verification. The purpose is to find out the circumstances of the appearance of complaints against teachers and the process of their consideration. Analytical, chronological, concrete-historical methods help to realize the goal and perform the tasks. Conclusions. Complaints, аs a rule, had a subjective nature and were aimed at discrediting teachers. The process itself was long-term, which was connected with the rules for maintaining administrative documentation, bureaucracy, and checking the facts stated in the complaints. There was a whole series of instructions regarding registration, addressing, consideration of cases, compliance with their requirements. Their violation was considered unacceptable. It became a mandatory element to find out the essence of the case, to communicate with the teachers who were complained abou; with children who witnessed various actions of teachers or denied these facts; with parents who expressed the interests of their children and could also deny or support the accusations. The inspector, who came to the school, attended lessons and extracurricular activities held by teachers, observed their activities and communication with colleagues and schoolchildren. Teachers wrote explanatory notes where they showed their own vision of the situation. Attention was paid not only to education, professional development, and the professionalism of teachers in general, but also to personal qualities: decency, activity, humanity, hard work. The primary unions in the schools were also able to provide information about their own view of the incidents. Therefore, communicating and observing the participants of the educational process, a general, unbiased picture was formed, which confirmed or refuted complaints against teachers. Teachers were considered not only as bearers of their own professional qualities, but also as relayers of the leading ideas of the government. They had to combine many functions and implement slogans in practice. It is not surprising that the teachers’ behavior was condemned and discussed at various meetings, including the public. The Soviet teacher was supposed to be the leader of party plans, therefore, his image had to remain idealized. But it was not always. Teachers remained, first of all, people who had their own personal life, values, beliefs and could go against the socially regulated ones.
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