


historical science, stalinism, cosmopolitanism, “cold war”


The article examines the development of historical science in the first post-war decade, the period that saw the apotheosis of the totalitarian regime and the personality cult of Y. Stalin. Historical science has always played an important role in the political life of a marriage. The official concept of historical science in this historical era is small in terms of the basic structure. This especially manifested itself in the era of Stalinism and, especially in the first decade of the war. This itself resulted in the residual confirmation of command-administrative methods of policing by historical science. In this case, a special role was given to ideological campaigns. This is why this period is important for understanding the peculiarities of the development of historical science. The topic requires careful scientific study, so the historiography of this problem is limited. After the completion of the Other Light War, all minds came together to further strengthen control over historical science. The military regime of 1941- 1945, changing the tone of the Cold War. Common sciences, including history, were located at the very epicenter of the conflict between the USSR and the USA. Historical science fell under the strict control of the party-state bodies. Increased control over historical science during the war can be explained by the efforts of Stalin's religious school to renew the spending on marriage during the war. The victory of the Soviet people in World War was used in the propaganda of the regime as convincing proof of the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist one. Historical science was responsible for confirming the advantages of the socialist suspense and sovereign order, scientifically demonstrating the correctness of the party’s leadership, both in the pre-war and post-war years. The strengthening of party politics by science, in the early years of the war, found its reflection in the output of low regulations on the nutrition of ideology, including a hundredfold contribution to the development of historical science. The apotheosis of the new ideological campaign may mark the beginning of persecution of “dissenters”, which will take away from the name of “the fight against cosmopolitanism.”


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How to Cite

Frolov С. В. (2024). STATE CONTROL OVER SOVIET HISTORICAL SCIENCE IN THE FIRST POST-WAR DECADE (1945–1955). Культурологічний альманах, (1), 160–166.

