


foreign cultural practices, globalization, adaptation, cultural localization, cultural hybridity


The article examines the problems of foreign cultural practices in the context of adaptation as one of the main forms of cultural interaction in the context of globalization. The concept of "foreign cultural practices" is clarified, which are considered as subject-practical activities related to the creation and/or distribution of cultural products that were formed in the conditions of the socio-cultural space of other countries and were popularized on a global scale due to globalization trends. The concept of cultural localization and cultural hybridity is extrapolated to the problem of adaptation of foreign cultural practices. It was established that the localization of most foreign cultural practices is necessary for their implementation in other territories and includes complex cultural processes with the aim of a kind of "translation" for the recipient countries. Cultural hybridity as a transcultural form, the emergence of which is connected with the dialogue of cultures, takes different forms in accordance with the territorial specificity and properties of a specific foreign cultural practice. The research revealed that: the phenomenon of foreign cultural practices depends on how the recipient cultures perceive the artifacts produced by the donor culture; based on the specifics of globalization processes characteristic of the mass culture of the first decades of the 21st century, localization in the discourse of foreign cultural practices is realized by means of adaptation of content, value and formal-textual (media text, audiovisual, stage, etc.) levels; under the conditions of successful adaptation, foreign cultural practices in the process of compatibility with the new socio-cultural space are transformed taking into account the values, traditions and norms of the recipient culture.


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How to Cite

Verbetsky Є. М. (2024). ADAPTATION OF INOCULTURAL PRACTICES IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION TRENDS. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 278–282.

