religious faith, religious security, Russian world, holy Rus, triune people, Orthodoxy, UkraineAbstract
The article analyzes the significance of religious faith in the context of the issue of religious security in Ukraine during the full-scale invasion. The authors examined certain aspects of ideologies and concepts such as «Russkiy Mir» (Russian World), «Holy Rus'«, and «the triune people.» It is specified that the ideology of «Russkiy Mir» is associated with the problem of «political orthodoxies,» characterized by the merging of the religious and political spheres. This ideology combines various periods of Russian history and is used to consolidate Russian society. It is argued that the ideologies of «Russkiy Mir,» «Holy Rus',» and «the triune people» are employed to justify the fullscale invasion of Ukraine. According to the authors, through the sacralization of political ambitions and ideological manipulations, the death of Russian soldiers in the war is seen as a martyr's feat by the supporters of the «Holy Rus'« concept. At the same time, Ukraine's path towards a united Europe is perceived as a great «sin» and a betrayal of the «Holy Rus'« ideal, thus justifying the invasion of the sovereign state's territory. All opponents of «Russkiy Mir» are branded as «godless» and subjected to repression. This is evidenced by research data collected in the occupied territories of Ukraine. The authors believe that Ukraine, as part of a united Europe, undermines the concept of «the triune people» and proves the inadequacy of the «Holy Rus'« concept. The study substantiates the importance of maintaining religious security in Ukraine and combating attempts to destabilize the state. It is noted that, given the large number of Ukrainian citizens who consider themselves Orthodox Christians, a significant mission is placed on the scientific religious studies community and Orthodox institutions to prevent the spread of harmful narratives that exploit the religious faith of Ukrainians. The state may impose legal restrictions on those representatives of religious organizations who spread destructive ideologies on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, it is important to guarantee the principle of freedom of religion, as this is a hallmark of a democratic society and a requirement of the international community.
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