virtual museum, education, educational technology, virtual platform, inclusive education.Abstract
The museum is regarded as an educational technology that has pedagogical potential. By relying on the approach of the International Council of Museums, the author demonstrates the interdependence of these two socio-cultural phenomena. It has been justified that creating a space for entertainment, socialization and relaxation, the virtual museum offers a range of cultural and educational services that contribute to the development of students. Related aspects – specific educational platforms and virtual platforms – have been analyzed separately. It is emphasized that the interactive approach is driven by the use of various elements that help increase user interest in the educational process and stimulate cognitive activity. That sort of software comprises games, exhibitions of children’s art works, and an option for creating collages. The author concludes that the use of innovative museum technologies facilitates the adaptation of museums to the socio-cultural challenges of the 21st century and engages in the process of intensive information activities. At the same time, it allows realizing the core functions of the museum by focusing on a crucial educational role. The promising outlook of the museum as an educational technology is also conditioned by its possible consideration as a convenient adaptive resource for the socialization of people with disabilities.
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