modern cultural space, world culture, national culture, ethnic culture, regional cultural tradition, post-folkloreAbstract
Globalization processes have radically changed the architecture of the world cultural space, influenced the coexistence of various cultures. Analyzing and rethinking these transformations is helped by structural-functional analysis, which allows you to examine not only structural, but also functional connections within the object of study, as well as its functional connections with the external environment. In the modern cultural space, according to the criterion of commonality of people, it is possible to distinguish three main structural elements: world, national and ethnic cultures, which is a complex construction of their combination. World culture today plays an important role in uniting the world community into a single human community and in many ways produces tastes, offers certain standards, forms attachments, and produces value attitudes. The sphere of world material culture takes on a standardized form, while differences in cultural production have moved to the level of spiritual culture, to the realm of worldview, worldview, consciousness, to the production and nurturing of one’s own values, norms and tastes, which constitutes the mechanism of reproduction of the cultural identity of a certain people. The layer of national culture is manifested through a set of values, cultural forms, worldviews, orientations, and artistic tastes that are created within the boundaries of the national state. Currently, the concept of a networked (rather than territorially oriented) way of existence of national culture has developed, as a set of public spheres formed by key actors of national cultural life and endowed with an expressive identity. Ethnic culture, or regional (local) cultural tradition, is another factor of the modern cultural space, which performs the role of identifier and preservation of ethnic features, despite modern globalization influences. The structural-functional approach allows us to move from a simplified view of culture to a more complex multi-layered picture of the functioning of modern culture.
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