
  • Tetiana Uvarova



trend, culture, media trend, media culture, new media, social media, social networks


The article examines the factors of cultural changes at the beginning of the 21st century. The method of work is the study of transformational processes in culture and the determination of the main cultural trends that determine these transformations. To achieve the goal, the methodological potential of cultural studies and related sciences was used – the historical method, methods of the empirical level - description and comparison, the method of abstraction, generalization, etc. The guiding principle was the principle of cultural determinism. It is noted that under the influence of scientific and technical innovations, media culture is formed as a multifunctional type of culture of the latest era. Media trends are identified as cultural trends that influence the state of culture and produce qualitatively different forms of its functioning. It is noted that a special role in cultural transformations is played by new media as a new type of communication formed by digital technologies. Social media as a set of Internet services – search engines, messengers, blogs, data exchange services, databases, news sites, social networks – have been identified and analyzed. Social networks were singled out as the leading media trend. The specifics of social networks are studied. Analysis of the essence, socio-cultural potential, evolution of forms and perspectives of the impact of new media on the entire sphere of social life, which allows us to conclude that changes in the traditional model of information dissemination at the beginning of the 21st century are associated with qualitatively new technical innovations and the rapid evolution of the media space. Social media, which shape culture and at the same time become a translator of various cultural assets, inventions of artistic and artistic creativity, have become a cultural trend. Among the new media, the biggest role in cultural transformations is played by social networks, which dominate the fixation of reality events and remain the most popular information channel. Social networks perform many functions, creating a valuable basis for their existence. It was concluded that the outlined trends determine changes in the general direction of cultural development. Their further study will be important not only for understanding the general development of culture, but also will allow predicting and regulating the main challenges in the future.


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How to Cite

Uvarova Т. І. (2022). MEDIA TRENDS OF MODERN CULTURE. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 267–275.


