repetition, imitation, image, sample, mimesis, remakeAbstract
The art of XX–XXI centuries actively uses remake as a genre and a method of creating an artistic work. Genre searches of artists in the modern cultural process are mostly connected with playful use of classical heritage. Literature, cinematography, music, painting, and other forms of art are affected by secondary and recycling: names are borrowed, style, genre is imitated, backstories, sequels, and updated versions of existing works are created. It would seem that a cyberera is coming, where new techno-religions make it possible to separate from the traditional platform of the past and create completely new, posthuman art. But no, everything that was assigned to the golden treasury of the classical heritage again and again evokes the potential to express one’s own through common wellknown, to rework and recharacterize images, genres, works of art, replay and rewrite them in accordance with the spirit of the era. The work investigates the prerequisites for the emergence of a remake as a mechanism of the imitative essence of art, which is based on the social and communicative activity of individuals in the form of imitation. The development of the technical achievements of mankind led to the emergence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries of new visual arts, such as photography and cinema, the principle of which for the first time was associated not with the artist’s man-made work, but with machine reproduction. The resulting duplications, copying of images and works of art by machine caused the loss of their uniqueness, individuality, which in turn affected the change of emphasis on the issue of the proportionality of the existence of a sample and a copy, original and plagiarism, etc. Visuality as a way of embodying new types of art led to the emergence of mass art, a mass audience appeared, a consumer of works of art, based on unassuming genres of a playful nature, which used quotes and fragments from the cultural heritage of the past. With the advent of cinematography, a remake appears as a new genre of this particular art form. Based on the initial events or fragments of the past, the remake, contains its trace inclusions, builds on the basis of previous experience, transforming taking into account the requirements of the era and society.
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