homogenization of culture, method, song arrangements, fake folklore, Soviet folklore.Abstract
The article examines the genre of ‘Soviet folklore’ as a method aimed at homogenizing Ukrainian culture in all its manifestations during the communist ideological pressure. The preconditions and basic principles of the formation of the genre of ‘Soviet folklore’ are determined. It is proved that Soviet folklore directly contradicted the traditional folklore of the peoples of the USSR, but in the Soviet historical period, conditions were artificially created for its cultivation. This genre, in contrast to live traditional music, was characterized by a low level of variation in song patterns. The main goal of the genre of «Soviet folklore» was to create a unified cultural space that would promote the idea of uniting all Soviet peoples and forming a new society. The homogenization of Ukrainian culture through Soviet folklore posed a threat of losing its originality and identity. This characteristic is fundamental to the definition of the Soviet song genre. Conclusions. So, the prerequisites for the formation of the genre of ‘Soviet folklore’ are the final seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in the context of changes in historical and political formations that took place in the early twentieth century. At this time, in the 20s and 30s, there was an active search for influences on the multinational people by reforming their traditional mental culture. The main goal of this genre was to create a unified Soviet culture that promoted the idea of uniting all Soviet peoples and forming a new society. The main principles of the formation of musical collective samples of Soviet themes were the ideals imposed from above by representatives of the Soviet- Central Committee institutions, which were embodied in the work of non-professionals – the people and defined as a «genre unit», regardless of whether these works were distributed to the masses. However, it should be understood that culture is alive and evolving, and despite attempts at homogenization, Ukrainian folklore was preserved and changed according to the needs and will of the people.
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