anthropological teaching, man, body, soul, unity with God, free will, societyAbstract
This scientific research is devoted to consideration of the question of the person, because it is the person who is the basis of Christian personalism, the main criterion moral evaluations and actions, the object and purpose of human activity. The dignity and goodness of a whole person is the main principle of biblical anthropology. A person’s soul and body should be in a close relationship, which ensures a special place for a person in the world hierarchy, where he appears as a guide between the spiritual and material world. The article analyzes the issue of man from the standpoint of biblical teaching, because according to the Holy Scriptures, man is the crown of God’s creation, his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The work also deals with an important topic that never loses its relevance – about the vocation of man on earth, because the purpose of man and the value of his life remain important at all times. The article represents the teachings of the Holy Scriptures about how a person’s relationship with God affects his life and eternity. With the help of the analysis of biblical texts, it is determined how the Catholic teaching about man and its reflection in the teaching about society was formed. The Christian position is based on the transmission and interpretation of the biblical teaching about the human personality on the basis of God’s design, because it is the only creature called to life for its own sake; created in the image and likeness of God; the main goal of her life is going to God and calling to God’s bliss. Considering this in the context of the article, we will show the role of man in the world. An important place in Catholic anthropology is devoted to the problems of the soul and body, man as the image of God, therefore the main principles of our article are the principles of theological understanding of the physical world of man and his spirit.
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