democratic values, media literacy, internal migrations, education, information war, fake news, critical thinkingAbstract
This article is devoted to exploring the impact of migration processes on the educational landscape, specifically focusing on the educational space of Ukraine after Russia's invasion on February 24, 2022. The research is grounded in theoretical concepts of the educational landscape and the influence of media on education, developed by several scholars, including Paulo Freire, Henry Jenkins, Nick Couldry, Andreas Hepp, and others. The article's main objective is to discern how internal and external migration processes influence the formation and development of the educational space in Ukraine. The article meticulously analyzes the factors affecting the integration of migrants into the educational environment and examines possible strategies for optimizing this process. The authors conduct a SWOT analysis of the proposed strategies, carefully weighing their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and potential threats. Particular attention in the article is paid to the situation in Ukraine, where the relevance of the problem of integrating migrants into the educational space has increased in the context of military aggression and internal instability. The discussion covers how cultural and social aspects, such as mutual understanding and acceptance of various ethnic, cultural, and social groups, impact the effectiveness of integration processes. The article invites education professionals, sociologists, cultural studies specialists, and political scientists to reflect and discuss, providing an in-depth analysis and fresh perspectives for further academic research and practical implementation.
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